Things changed for me this week. I could feel it. The end of last week and beginning of this week I was officially MISERABLE! My lower back and sciatic nerve pain had gotten so bad that I was literally shuffling around, often times my legs giving out to the stress. When sitting down I could lift my right leg, but my left was WAY too painful to even get an inch off the chair. I woke up feeling the pain, went throughout the day with it, limped into bed at night with it. Not fun.
I have also had Braxton Hicks contractions since about 5 months along (same with Anslie's pregnancy) but they have started to get stronger, longer, closer together, and much more painful. A few nights ago they were coming on so regularly and were getting so uncomfortable that I almost started timing them!
After complete physical misery for at least a week, all of a sudden, yesterday afternoon, I just felt better. And I could BREATHE. Glorious air filled my lungs again and I was able to read to Anslie at bed time without having to catch my breath between sentences. I was able to eat an entire meal without feeling like my skin was going to rip open on my abdomen. Something HAD to be different.
I had my checkup today and the doctor confirmed that the baby is VERY low and that I am already dilated 1 1/2 cm. He said that for me to only be 36-37 weeks along and to already be experiencing a change in my contractions, the baby dropping, and dilation, he would be surprised if I made it to my due date, even venturing to say that he expects me to have a May baby. Ummm....check your calendars people! There's only about two weeks left in May!!! Totally crazy!
I would be lying if I said I were disappointed by this news. Although life is going to be challenging with two kids instead of one, I feel ready to tackle the job and I just want to be able to move again. It is impossible to properly parent a 2 year old if you can't get up to chase after them, pick them up, etc. So yes, let's all pray for a May baby!
Of course, I am not counting this news as a promise. I walked around for almost 3 weeks dilated to 2 1/2 cm with Anslie and I still never went into labor by myself. But the doc seems confident (and I feel confident) that my body is much more in tune with what is supposed to happen this time around. Thank goodness!
Hopefully this will be the last belly picture I have to put up!
And, just because Anslie actually asked me to take a picture of her, here's one of her:
you are gorgeous girl! you look incredible!
you look amazing especially for being in your last month way to go
You look great! Your tummy really isn't all that big. I can't wait to see what this baby looks like!
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