Monday, October 18, 2010

Z at 4 months

It's incredible how much faster time moves when you have another child! In some ways I feel like I have been able to enjoy having a baby more this time around just because there isn't as much to learn. I have done this all before with my first so I'm not in shock. My body and mind have healed more quickly and my patience has grown.

At the same time, there is twice as much work to do and half as much time to do it in. It's sad that some of the things I got to do with my first baby, my second baby is robbed of. Like timely updates on what my new little one is up to.

With Anslie, I had an essay written every month about every single detail of her growth and development... with pictures to go along with it. Not so much with Zachary. That doesn't mean I don't love him as much. Quite the contrary. It just takes a little more effort to share the joy of mothering him with the rest of the world.

I can't promise that I will be as faithful as I was with Anslie about getting monthly updates of Zac on the blog. But I will promise that I will try my hardest to make sure that everyone who cares about him has as much access to him as I can give.
Zachary is a joy! A true cherub in every sense. He is sweet, happy, easy to please, and a pleasure to be around. Of course he has his moments, but those are easy to get past. He still eats well and on most nights only wakes once or twice to nurse.

I feel like my little man is turning into just that...a little man already. At 4 months of age, Zac has already cut his first tooth and is working on a second! Incredible and very sad for me. I love toothless baby grins! :( He is also rolling over, mostly from back to tummy, but he goes the other way sometimes too. Zachary likes to be upright as much as he can so he can explore the world around him. And if propped up in the right way, he can even sit up by himself, balancing his upper body on his hands. He has great neck control and his coordination for grabbing things and bringing them to his mouth is really improving.

Zac is a BIG boy, measuring in the 95th percentile in all of his measurements. (He has a checkup on Friday so I will know those numbers then.) And as such, I feel like it won't be long before he will want to start eating solids. That's another sad thing for me. I want my baby to stay small for as long as he can and it's become bittersweet for me to watch him grow and move on to the next phase in his development. Everything was so new a exciting with Anslie that sometimes it seemed like it took forever for something to happen. With Zac, I just can't get a handle on time. And it seems like he is developing so much more quickly!

This little one is also a giggler. He is happy pretty much all the time (unless he is hungry, tired, or sick) and is always ready with a smile or laugh. I love it! The best feeling in the world is his sweet little hands on my face while he gives me sloppy baby kisses on the cheek and coos and giggles in my ear. That memory will melt my heart forever.

Words just can't express how much I love my son. He is my joy. He is my baby. I am proud to be his mommy.


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