As promised in the previous blog, here are some lovely little shots of Anslie finger painting for the first time. She LOVED it! We went through so much paper and she still wanted to paint after we ran out! We have actually had to hide the paints from her because it's the first thing she asks for when she wakes up in the morning, and as much as I would love it if she were self-occupied for most of the day, there are other things we have to do besides paint. Drawing with crayons, markers, chalk, color pencils, paints...that's what this little girl's favorite thing to do is. And don't even think about insulting her with a coloring book full of other people's pictures to color. Anslie wants blank paper for her artistic creations. Whether it's true or not, I would like to believe I have a little prodigy on my hands.
I snapped this picture of Zachary while he is enduring double ear infections (one side ruptured), a combo staph/yeast infection in all of his little rolls (because he is so fat and sweats so much and I can't keep him clean and dry), and a lingering viral chest infection that is now requiring breathing treatments 4 times per day. What a sweet baby! And he has only woken up once during each of the last 3 nights to eat. Have I been doing everything to help him get better? Yes. Do I still feel like the worst mom in the entire world for letting his problems get this bad? Completely. Adding 7 medications with differing dosing schedules that have required me to write down a daily schedule will hopefully improve this little guy's health and heal my broken heart.
Adding insult to injury, this little girl decided to grab the paring knife that I was feeding her pear from (another SMotY - Stupid Mom of the Year - move) and sliced her left index finger. That required a trip to the ER, where all they could do was clean the wound and glue her finger back together. Later that night, Anslie's finger was bothering her so much that she had a blast finger painting (more pictures from that event to come soon). At least she isn't scarred for life. Can't say the same for myself though.
My son was born with lots of hair.
Hair that would make women and bald men alike, jealous.
When anyone saw him or a picture of him, they couldn't help but comment on his beautiful hair.
My in-laws joked that the angels styled his hair before he was born.
Thick, perfectly coiffed, ends that looked like they had been frosted.
Unfortunately Zachary's hair did what most newborns' hair began to fall out.
I was soooo sad! I loved his hair! But what do you have to do when strangers start asking you if you gave your baby a mow hawk on purpose!? Buzz it, of course. Under his patchy tresses lay what looked like a cracked desert floor. His cradle cap was out of control and I simple couldn't get to it to help it come off. So, here's our bald little man receiving his first hair cut. Who knew it would be when he was only 3 months old?!
I always knew he was a big baby with a big head. But now that it isn't covered with any hair, Zachary definitely looks like a bruiser. I think we'll have to call him "Bam Bam" from now on. :)