Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Silly Request

I definitely blog for my own enjoyment...but I also blog to make sure that I keep family and friends well informed on what is going on with our family so that no one feels left out and so that we can stay in touch with all of our loved ones. I would really love to know if anyone even reads this stuff! Don't worry...I will continue blogging even if nobody does. I would just like to know if what I am putting out there is being received. Leave a comment every once it a while. It lets me know you are still interested!


Mandi said...

I'm interested, I love reading your blog and seeing pictures of your cute family.

3stockdalekids said...

are you kidding me shillawna. i always read your blog. i think its just cool to know what's going on with everyone so that if anyone asks you could say "yeah i know what's going on with them even though i haven't seen them in about 10 years."

Tera said...

I got your back sis! I feel the same way sometimes. I hear from my friends, but almost never hear anything from the fam!

Erica said...

i read it :) and just recently made my own blogspot too!

SVB said...

I love your blog Shillawna, I am just a lazy poster! I will be better, but ditto for you you even know I have a blog? :):):)

moliver said...

I love your blog and I always love seeing your beautiful photography! You are quite talented!

Britni and Owen said...

I read your blog :).

Unknown said...

you are great I am always reading and trying to comment

Ryan Herle said...

I read your blog; I just haven't anything to say usually :)

Lechelle said...

I totally read it.

Raych said...

I read it!! :)