Sunday, April 11, 2010

One of my worst nightmares came true!

I went to get Anslie out of her pack and play after her nap today and when I walked into the room it totally wreaked of poop. Now, Anslie has pooped during her sleep many, many times in her life. In fact, it is pretty common for that very thing to happen.

But today there was something a little different about this stench. It was much stronger than it normally is. I turned on the light and much to my horror, found Anslie and her crib covered in poop! Apparently Anslie thought it would be fun to take her poopy diaper off and smear it all over her face, hair, and bedding.

I have heard of kids doing this before. My sister, Tera, has a few good stories about it. But this is the first time it has happened to me and hopefully the last! It was sooooo disgusting to clean up! I threw Anslie in the tub and had her stand under the shower to rinse most of it off, and then gave her a bath while I cleaned up her bedding. I'm just glad I didn't throw up!

Anslie and I had a little talk about what happened afterward and she ran around the house for an hour saying,"diaper poopy off. Uhgusting!" She probably doesn't get it. I don't care if she does or doesn't, as long as she never does it again! Maybe I can sleep a little better now that one of my worst nightmares has come true...

Where are the pictures, you ask? I thought I would spare you the horror. You can thank me later.


Tera said...

I want to see pictures. No fair. My kids have had pooptastrophies. Fortunately I can't remember many of them. Mine haven't ever taken their diaper off and smeared it all over the crib and themselves have they? I totally don't remember.

Unknown said...

Nasty! I feel sorry for you having to clean that up while being pregnant. Things smell so much worse.

The Waldrams said...

oops! I was signed in as Jeremy. sorry

moliver said...

Yuck! I am so sorry that happened! That has never happened with either of my kids (knock on wood) Hopefully that will be the only time that ever happens to you.

Rebifromgermany said...

Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I am sure Nick would have thrown up if that would have happened to us. We kind of had something like that but not as bad (but he was brave through that since I was sick myself). Anyway that would have knocked him out. No doubt about that. ;)