Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Dancer in the Making

I was worried she wouldn't like it. Not so much because I wanted to live vicariously through her...but that she would be too shy or intimidated to enjoy something I enjoyed so much as a young girl. To my relief, Anslie LOVES her dance class! For her first two classes she pretty much just stood there and watched what the teachers and other students (most of them had already completed a year of dance) were doing. On her third class, however, she started to join in on the fun. She is such a cutie and really loves dancing! On the way to her class the other day she told me, "mama, I'm 'cited for my dance class. I'm 'cited for my teacher. She's pretty!" It warms my heart knowing that we have found an extra-curricular activity that she can look forward to each week. And it's even more fun that I am able to share something with her that I have such a deep love for. And if I do a little living vicariously, as long as she is having fun, what's the harm in that?!

The slide show below is full of pictures from her first dance class. I tried to document her entire experience from the time she woke up to the end of her class. I will also include a couple videos once I can get them formatted properly (so check out this post in a few days).

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