The Red Fox. He seemed bored. So were we.
It's always hard to get a good picture when your subject is behind bars. I couldn't believe how huge these birds were in real life!
A Bison. Or a Buffalo. I forgot to read the sign to find out which it was. It was shedding it's winter coat and looked really nasty. Smelled nastier!
I have never understood why there are always geese at every single zoo I go to. To me, it's like catching a bunch of sparrows or pigeons and throwing them in a cage and then charging people to look at them when they can just look in their back yard and see them for free. Without exception, there are ALWAYS geese at the zoo. Maybe there's something special about geese that I'm not privy to? Just in case there is, here are some really special portraits of the geese at the Roswell Park/wannabe Zoo. Presenting, The Goose Series:
I don't mean to be judgmental, but it's hard not to be when you come from an area that had one of the world's best zoos in your backyard. Miss you , SD Zoo! Regardless of how lame Roswell's zoo was, it was really nice to get out and enjoy the fresh air. I'm sure we will be back. Keep an eye out for more super-fantastic animals portraits from The Giant Roswell Park With Animals Stuck in Cages Behind Chain Link Fences!
I'm glad you made it and found a place to stay. My brother stays at the Marriott in Roswell. I told him to keep an eye out for Kevin. My brothers a riot, you guys would like him. Sorry the zoo is such a bummer. Glad to be living here.
That's pretty funny. We were just at our zoo today, and yes, lots of geese with huge poo!
Ok, so this post about the TGRPWASICBCLF was so funny I teared up from laughing. Thanks for sharing. Reminds me a bit of when we went to Lagoon.
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